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作者: 熊胜男
主题:地球动物树 动物树
文献总量:188 期刊文献:159 学位论文:26



At the roots of the mammalian family tree
Rowe, T 
《NATURE》  1999.
Reduced resistance of invasive varieties of the alien tree Sapium sebiferum to a generalist herbivore
Siemann, E Rogers, WE 
《OECOLOGIA》  2003.
Bone Assemblages Track Animal Community Structure over 40 Years in an African Savanna Ecosystem
Western, David Behrensmeyer, Anna K. 
《SCIENCE》  2009.
Key transitions during the evolution of animal phototransduction: novelty, "tree-thinking," co-option, and co-duplication
Plachetzki, David C. Oakley, Todd H. 
Microclimate of daytime den sites in a tropical possum: implications for the conservation of tropical arboreal marsupials
Isaac, J. L. De Gabriel, J. L. Goodman, B. A. 
Intra-tree variation in foliage quality drives the adaptive sex-biased foraging behaviors of a specialist herbivore
Johns, Rob Quiring, Dan Ostaff, Don Bauce, Eric 
《OECOLOGIA》  2010.
Bridging the gap: Influence of seed deposition on seedling recruitment in a primate-tree interaction
Balcomb, SR Chapman, CA 
Improved recruitment of a lemur-dispersed tree in Malagasy dry forests after the demise of vertebrates in forest fragments
Dausmann, K. H. Glos, J. Linsenmair, K. E. Ganzhorn, J. U. 
《OECOLOGIA》  2008.
Exploring the correlations between sequence evolution rate and phenotypic divergence across the Mammalian tree provides insights into adaptive evolution
Janecka, Jan Chowdhary, Bhanu Murphy, William 
Ant-plant-herbivore interactions in the neotropical cerrado savanna
Oliveira, PS Freitas, AVL 
Sapling herbivory, invertebrate herbivores and predators across a natural tree diversity gradient in Germany's largest connected deciduous forest
Sobek, Stephanie Scherber, Christoph Steffan-Dewenter, Ingolf Tscharntke, Teja 
《OECOLOGIA》  2009.
Cyclic core dendrimer as a new kind of vector for gene transfer into mammalian cells
Cheng, HH Zhou, RJ Liu, L Du, B Zhuo, RX 
《GENETICA》  2000.
Ungulate community structure and ecological processes: body size, hoof area and trampling in African savannas
Cumming, DHM Cumming, GS 
《OECOLOGIA》  2003.
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